
English is a crucial subject in competitive government exams as it is a medium of communication and the language used for many official purposes. Here are some of the key reasons why English is important in competitive government exams:

  1. Language proficiency: A good command of English language is important to be able to understand and interpret the questions asked in the exam. The comprehension passages, grammar questions, and vocabulary-based questions in English language tests are designed to test the candidate's language proficiency.
  2. Communication skills: Many government jobs require candidates to have excellent communication skills in English. In exams such as IBPS, SBI, and SSC, candidates are tested on their ability to communicate effectively in English through descriptive writing tasks, essays, and letters.
  3. Global language: English is a global language and widely used in the corporate world, research, and academia. For government jobs that require interactions with foreign clients or participation in international events, a good command of English is essential.
  4. Aptitude and reasoning: In competitive exams such as CAT, XAT, and SNAP, English is an important component of the aptitude and reasoning sections. Questions on critical reasoning, analytical skills, and data interpretation are designed to test the candidate's English language skills.
  5. Overall score: In many competitive exams, the English section is a compulsory section and contributes significantly to the overall score. A good score in the English section can improve the candidate's overall score and increase their chances of selection.

In addition to these reasons, a good command of English language also helps in developing critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and analytical skills. It helps candidates to understand complex ideas and communicate them effectively.

Therefore, it is essential for candidates preparing for competitive government exams to focus on developing their English language skills. They should work on improving their grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing skills. Regular practice through mock tests and previous year papers can also help in identifying areas of weakness and improving performance.

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Direction: Out of the statements given below, one statement may be grammatically and contextually correct. If all the statements are correct, choose D, i.e. ‘All are correct’.


Q. Choose the correct statement as your answer.

  • (A). About 60 per cent of the US citizens have disapproved President Donald Trump holding rallies amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic
  • (B). He launched an attack on our democratic system at a moment when it is at its most fragile in recent memory.
  • (C). The predictions that were make in good faith at the time were assuming that absolutely everything would work and that there were no hiccups at all.
  • (D). All are correct
Option (B) is Correct

Note the errors in the given options:
In A, ‘of’ should follow the verb ‘disapprove’ to make it grammatically and contextually correct.
In C, the verb ‘make’ should be in past form i.e. ‘made’.

Posted on: Mar 2023

Q. Out of the statements given below, which statement is grammatically and contextually correct?

  • (A). Trump said that the country needs an intelligent leader and that Joe wasn’t enough smart to match his counterparts.
  • (B). Defence lawyer argues woman hit by trailer hitch could have die from liver disease.
  • (C). In late September, they made their voices heard in place as varied as Argentina, Kenya, New Zealand and Switzerland with a single message for politicians: “You are far too slow. Do something about climate change!”
  • (D). Not only are Google Forms very easy to produce, but they also come with the trust-building advantage of being hosted under the google.com domain.
Option (D) is Correct

In A, ‘smart’ should be used before ‘enough’. Note that ‘enough’ can be placed as an adjective or an adverb in a sentence. When ENOUGH is before a noun, it is an adjective. When ‘Enough’ is after an adjective, it is an adverb. The given statement is the latter case.

In B, ‘died’ should be used instead of ‘die’. The current structure is incorrect. It should be ‘have died’ to make the sentence contextually and grammatically correct. This is according to rule, ‘have + verb” always takes the past participle form of the verb.

In C, the use of singular noun ‘place’ is incorrect ad there are various examples of cities so we’ll need a noun in its plural form. Hence, D is the right answer choice.

Posted on: Mar 2023

Q. Find the correct sentence and mark it as your answer.

  • (A). In March, Delhi University celebrates its Annual Flower Show by displayed spring flowers and kitchen garden.
  • (B). A few minutes later, they marched inside the restruant and took their places at the table.
  • (C). The leader said that it was time to speak with against the atrocities of the government.
  • (D). 1917, a cinematic masterpiece directed by Sam Mendes, is a movie about World War 1.
Option (D) is Correct

In option A, “displayed” should change to “displaying” as the sentence is in the simple present tense. Present participles can be used after verbs of perception in the pattern verb + object + present participle to indicate the action being perceived.
In option B, the correct spelling is restruant is restaurant.
In option C, the correct phrasal verb is ‘speak up’ which means ‘express one’s opinions frankly and publicly’.
Option D is grammatically and contextually correct.

Direction: Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Certain words are printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of these.

Only 29 per cent of the water in the Ganga is from glaciers till the river reaches Moradabad in Uttar Pradesh; the rest comes from the springs. This shows the centrality of Himalayan springs in maintaining the flow of the mountain’s rivers. The mountain range is home to 3 million of India’s 5 million springs. Things, however, have changed quite rapidly in the past few decades.

About 50 per cent of the springs have dried up or turned seasonal. Drying up of springs is intricately linked to desertification because nearly every river in India has its origins in springs. Any change in spring hydrology has clear ramifications on river hydrology, whether in the headwater regions, where springs manifest themselves as sources of rivers or in the lower-reach plains of river systems where they contribute almost invisibly as base flows to river channels.

In fact, the ramifications of disappearing springs have already become visible on rivers. A decade ago, the flow of Binsar river was so strong that it would wash away bridges. Now sometimes its water level goes as low as 15 cm. The number of streams in Almora has gone down to just 60 from 360 in the past 150 years.
The drying up of springs is a major worry because they were the only source of water to 50 million people in 60,000 villages of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Assam and West Bengal. About 60 per cent of people in rural regions of the Himalayas still use stream water for drinking. With nearly a fifth of the Himalayan population involved in agriculture and 64 per cent of the cultivable land irrigated by streams, _____(A)_____ will have a substantial impact on farmers too.

The Himalayan springs are drying up primarily due to changes in land use, ecological degradation and the so-called developmental activities. These have depleted aquifers in the mountains. Scientists link it to climate change and say that the total rainfall in the Himalayas has decreased in the past century while winter rain has almost disappeared.

The drying up of springs has also impacted forests and wildlife. Many natural watering holes for wildlife are in the form of springs and seeps. Depletion has led to water insecurity inside forests and national parks and on their fringes as well. These springs ensure widespread water availability in rivers and provide moisture to the soil. Their disappearance will eventually be felt in the plains.


Q. According to the passage, which of the following is/are the factor(s) responsible for the depletion of aquifers?

  • (A). Increased consumption as aquifers are the major source of water for people living in the Himalayas.
  • (B). Many of the aquifers have turned seasonal and are not easily accessible due to developmental activities.
  • (C). Decrease in total rainfall in the Himalayas with the winter rain contributing almost nothing in replenishment of aquifers.
  • (D). Both A and C
Option (C) is Correct

From the passage, it can be seen that “These have depleted aquifers in the mountains. Scientists link it to climate change and say that the total rainfall in the Himalayas has decreased in the past century while winter rain has almost disappeared”.


Q. Which of the following is TRUE as per the context provided in the passage?
I. Widespread water availability in rivers and moisture in the soil is ensured by springs.
II. Due to decline in number of streams in Almora, the flow of Binsar river has subsided.
III. The Himalayan springs are essential for maintaining the flow of the mountain rivers.

  • (A). Only I
  • (B). Only III
  • (C). Both I and II
  • (D). Both I and III
Option (D) is Correct

It is mentioned in the passage that “These springs ensure widespread water availability in rivers and provide moisture to the soil” and “This shows the centrality of Himalayan springs in maintaining the flow of the mountain’s rivers”. From these two statements it can be inferred that Statement I and III are true. Existence of a relationship between the number of streams in Almora with the flow of Binsar river has not been mentioned anywhere in the passage. Thus, statement II is incorrect.


Q. Which of the following is the MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the given word as used in the passage?

  • (A). Exhausted
  • (B). Ascertain
  • (C). Renew
  • (D). Mend
Option (A) is Correct

‘Depleted’ means ‘use up the supply or resources’. ‘Exhausted’ also means ‘use up (resources or reserves) completely’. So, they are synonymous.


Q. Which of the following words as used in the passage can be replaced by the word “importance”?

  • (A). Ramifications
  • (B). Degradation
  • (C). Centrality
  • (D). Substantial
Option (C) is Correct

The word ‘Centrality’ means ‘the quality of being essential or of the greatest importance’.


Q. Which of the given options can be used to complete the blank labelled (A) in the most appropriate way, contextually and grammatically?

  • (A). the uproar of rainfall
  • (B). the death of streams
  • (C). the discovery of new sources
  • (D). the formation of new springs
Option (B) is Correct

The sentence mentions ‘With nearly a fifth of the Himalayan population involved in agriculture and 64 per cent of the cultivable land irrigated by streams…’. So, the blank needs to be filled with something related to streams.

Direction: In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words/ phrases are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately.

Bumblebees are in drastic decline across Europe and North America ___(1)___ more frequent extremes in temperatures. A study suggests the likelihood of a bumblebee population surviving in any given place has declined by 30% in the Course of a single human generation. The researchers used data ___(2)___ over a 115-year period on 66 bumblebee species across North America and Europe to develop a model simulating “climate chaos” scenarios. They were able to see how bumblebee populations had changed over the years by ___(3)___ where the insects were now to where they used to be.
The findings by the researchers suggest that much larger declines are likely if the temperature increases ___(4)___ in the coming years. Many of the species could Perish forever if we do not take substantial efforts to reduce climate change.
Bumblebees play a key role in pollinating crops such as tomatoes, squash and berries. We must address climate change itself and ___(5)___ action we take to reduce emissions will help.


Q. Find the correct word for (1).

  • (A). Due as
  • (B). Owing to
  • (C). Because
  • (D). As such
Option (B) is Correct

The phrase ‘owing to’ means: because of or on account of.
The statement means: Bumblebees are in drastic decline across Europe and North America because of more frequent extremes in temperatures.


Q. Find the correct word for (2).

  • (A). Collected
  • (B). Merged
  • (C). Gather
  • (D). Resolved
Option (A) is Correct

In order to merge, you need two sets of information as ‘merge’ means to combine.
The sentence is in simple past. Hence ‘gather’ won’t fit here.


Q. Find the correct word for (3).

  • (A). Analysing
  • (B). Comparing
  • (C). Obsessing
  • (D). Implicating
Option (B) is Correct

The sentence compares That researchers show how bumblebee populations had changed over the years by making a comparison on where the insects were now to where they used to be.


Q. Find the correct word for (4).

  • (A). Evident
  • (B). Moderately
  • (C). Majority
  • (D). Drastically
Option (D) is Correct

Evident- clearly seen or understood
Moderately- fair to a certain extent
Majority- the greater number.
Drastically- in a way that is likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect
The statement states: The findings by the researchers suggest that much larger declines are likely if the temperature increases in a far-reaching manner in the coming years.


Q. Find the correct word for (5).

  • (A). Some
  • (B). One
  • (C). An
  • (D). Every
Option (D) is Correct

We use ‘every’ to refer to a group or list of three or more things.
Since we are talking about every action we need to take for reducing emissions.

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