Cloze Test
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Direction: In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words/ phrases are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately.

Bumblebees are in drastic decline across Europe and North America ___(1)___ more frequent extremes in temperatures. A study suggests the likelihood of a bumblebee population surviving in any given place has declined by 30% in the Course of a single human generation. The researchers used data ___(2)___ over a 115-year period on 66 bumblebee species across North America and Europe to develop a model simulating “climate chaos” scenarios. They were able to see how bumblebee populations had changed over the years by ___(3)___ where the insects were now to where they used to be.
The findings by the researchers suggest that much larger declines are likely if the temperature increases ___(4)___ in the coming years. Many of the species could Perish forever if we do not take substantial efforts to reduce climate change.
Bumblebees play a key role in pollinating crops such as tomatoes, squash and berries. We must address climate change itself and ___(5)___ action we take to reduce emissions will help.


Q. Find the correct word for (1).

  • (A). Due as
  • (B). Owing to
  • (C). Because
  • (D). As such
Option (B) is Correct

The phrase ‘owing to’ means: because of or on account of.
The statement means: Bumblebees are in drastic decline across Europe and North America because of more frequent extremes in temperatures.


Q. Find the correct word for (2).

  • (A). Collected
  • (B). Merged
  • (C). Gather
  • (D). Resolved
Option (A) is Correct

In order to merge, you need two sets of information as ‘merge’ means to combine.
The sentence is in simple past. Hence ‘gather’ won’t fit here.


Q. Find the correct word for (3).

  • (A). Analysing
  • (B). Comparing
  • (C). Obsessing
  • (D). Implicating
Option (B) is Correct

The sentence compares That researchers show how bumblebee populations had changed over the years by making a comparison on where the insects were now to where they used to be.


Q. Find the correct word for (4).

  • (A). Evident
  • (B). Moderately
  • (C). Majority
  • (D). Drastically
Option (D) is Correct

Evident- clearly seen or understood
Moderately- fair to a certain extent
Majority- the greater number.
Drastically- in a way that is likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect
The statement states: The findings by the researchers suggest that much larger declines are likely if the temperature increases in a far-reaching manner in the coming years.


Q. Find the correct word for (5).

  • (A). Some
  • (B). One
  • (C). An
  • (D). Every
Option (D) is Correct

We use ‘every’ to refer to a group or list of three or more things.
Since we are talking about every action we need to take for reducing emissions.