Double Fillers
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Direction: Choose the words that best fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole.


Q. Maharatna public sector, Coal India Ltd. is ______ some major changes in its HR policy with respect to its managerial ______

  • (A). Thinking, scale
  • (B). Preparing, level
  • (C). Plan, post
  • (D). Planning, cadres
Option (D) is Correct

It is clear from the sentence structure that a continual activity is being talked about (bringing about changes in the policy). Grammatically only planning fits in the first blank. Cadre is a small group of people specially trained for a particular purpose or profession. It makes perfect sense when used to refer to a group of managerial people.

Posted on: Mar 2023

Q. Choose the words that best fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

A new start-up has found an _____ way of recycling household waste and making people contribute that sum to _____ non-governmental organisations.

  • (A). Unique, unrecognisable
  • (B). New, known
  • (C). Creative, healthy
  • (D). Innovative, recognised
Option (D) is Correct

The first blank is preceded by ‘an’, which means that the first filler must have a vowel sound. This leaves us with options A and D. Both these options have first fillers grammatically as well as contextually suitable for the statement but option D takes an upper hand because ‘unrecognizable’ in option A is incorrect for the second filler; it fails to give any meaning to the statement.

Posted on: Mar 2023

Direction: Choose the words that best fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole.


Q. Athletes have so perfected their techniques in track and field events that the __________ becomes _________ before record books can be published.

  • (A). result, universal
  • (B). meet, official
  • (C). time, authentic
  • (D). announcement, public
Option (D) is Correct

Option C is not at all correct as here there is no reference to time. Option B and A are also incorrect because the sentence is talking about the records becoming public so official and universal are also ruled out.

Posted on: Mar 2023

Direction: Choose the words that best fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole.


Q. The election to the most powerful office on the planet and the economic project that ________ the life of every citizen of the second most populous country were based not on reason, but ______ popular anxieties and insecurities.

  • (A). Evolved, yoked
  • (B). Enveloped, harnessed
  • (C). Involve, harvested
  • (D). Cocooned, harmed
Option (B) is Correct

The statement talks about the powerful office and economic project that surrounds the life of every citizen of the second most densely populated country are not based on reason but on developed anxieties and insecurities. The first word must mean surround and the second word should mean to control and develop. Therefore option B is apt. Enveloped means wrap up, cover, or surround completely. Harnessed means to control and make use of.

Posted on: Mar 2023

Direction: Choose the words that best fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole.


Q. While black people played an _____ amount of informal cricket on beaches, in back alleys and parks, club cricket till as late as the 1930s was _____ by white elites.

  • (A). Enormous, dominated
  • (B). Interesting, ruled
  • (C). Insufficient, commanded
  • (D). Impressible, governed
Option (A) is Correct

Black people played cricket at places where usually people don’t play cricket like beaches, alleys, etc. Basically, as per the sentence it seems that, the black people did not leave a single opportunity to play cricket. Although, black people played cricket at a lot of places but not at cricket clubs as white elites ‘dominated’ i.e. influenced or had power on the clubs.

Posted on: Mar 2023