Sentence Rearrangement
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Direction: Given below are four jumbled sentences. Select the option that gives their correct order.


Q. A. That sort of pollution, which is also widespread in other southeast Asian nations, regularly kills wildlife like whales and turtles that ingest the waste.
B. Environmental groups have tagged the Philippines as one of the world’s biggest ocean polluters due to its reliance on single-use plastic.
C. In Thailand also, a whale died last year after swallowing more than 80 plastic bags.
D. In the latest case, a whale with 40 kilos of plastic trash in its stomach died on Saturday ¡n southern Philippines where it was stranded a day earlier.

  • (A). ABCD
  • (B). BADC
  • (C). DABC
  • (D). BCAD
Option (B) is Correct

the correct sequence is BADC.

Posted on: Mar 2023