
English is a crucial subject in competitive government exams as it is a medium of communication and the language used for many official purposes. Here are some of the key reasons why English is important in competitive government exams:

  1. Language proficiency: A good command of English language is important to be able to understand and interpret the questions asked in the exam. The comprehension passages, grammar questions, and vocabulary-based questions in English language tests are designed to test the candidate's language proficiency.
  2. Communication skills: Many government jobs require candidates to have excellent communication skills in English. In exams such as IBPS, SBI, and SSC, candidates are tested on their ability to communicate effectively in English through descriptive writing tasks, essays, and letters.
  3. Global language: English is a global language and widely used in the corporate world, research, and academia. For government jobs that require interactions with foreign clients or participation in international events, a good command of English is essential.
  4. Aptitude and reasoning: In competitive exams such as CAT, XAT, and SNAP, English is an important component of the aptitude and reasoning sections. Questions on critical reasoning, analytical skills, and data interpretation are designed to test the candidate's English language skills.
  5. Overall score: In many competitive exams, the English section is a compulsory section and contributes significantly to the overall score. A good score in the English section can improve the candidate's overall score and increase their chances of selection.

In addition to these reasons, a good command of English language also helps in developing critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and analytical skills. It helps candidates to understand complex ideas and communicate them effectively.

Therefore, it is essential for candidates preparing for competitive government exams to focus on developing their English language skills. They should work on improving their grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing skills. Regular practice through mock tests and previous year papers can also help in identifying areas of weakness and improving performance.

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Direction: Select the most appropriate word to fill in the blank.


Q. The State Government argued that it could not _______ the increase in the teachers’ salaries as awarded by the court.

  • (A). spare
  • (B). get
  • (C). stand
  • (D). afford
Option (D) is Correct

Afford = to not be able to do something or let something happen because it would have a bad result for you

Posted on: Mar 2023

Q. Select the incorrectly spelt word.

  • (A). comparison
  • (B). communication
  • (C). compitition
  • (D). comparable
Option (C) is Correct

Comparable = of a similar standard or size; that can be compared with something
Communication = the act of sharing or exchanging information, ideas or feelings
Comparison = an act of comparing; a statement in which people or things are compared

Posted on: Mar 2023

Q. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.

  • (A). raise
  • (B). enlarge
  • (C). reduce
  • (D). heighten
Option (C) is Correct

Escalate = increase rapidly.
e.g. The demonstrations are escalating into violent protests in all the major cities.

Raise = lift or move to a higher position or level.

Enlarge = make or become larger or more extensive.

Reduce = make smaller or less in amount, degree, or size.
e.g. A low-fat diet can reduce the risk of heart.

Heighten = make or become more intense.

Posted on: Mar 2023

Direction: Choose the most appropriate option to change the voice (active/passive) form of the given sentence.


Q. Do not park your car in front of my house.

  • (A). My house should not be parked in front of your car.
  • (B). Your car need not be parked in front of my house.
  • (C). Your car could not be parked in front of my house.
  • (D). Your car should not be parked in front of my house.
Option (D) is Correct

The given sentence is in the active form. It is a negative sentence in the present tense.
So, we can convert the given sentence into active voice: Your car should not be parked in front of my house.

Posted on: Mar 2023

Direction: Given below are four jumbled sentences. Select the option that gives their correct order.


Q. A. That sort of pollution, which is also widespread in other southeast Asian nations, regularly kills wildlife like whales and turtles that ingest the waste.
B. Environmental groups have tagged the Philippines as one of the world’s biggest ocean polluters due to its reliance on single-use plastic.
C. In Thailand also, a whale died last year after swallowing more than 80 plastic bags.
D. In the latest case, a whale with 40 kilos of plastic trash in its stomach died on Saturday ¡n southern Philippines where it was stranded a day earlier.

  • (A). ABCD
  • (B). BADC
  • (C). DABC
  • (D). BCAD
Option (B) is Correct

the correct sequence is BADC.

Posted on: Mar 2023
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