General Intelligence & Reasoning

Free Bilingual questions and answers of General Intelligence and Reasoning

General Intelligence and Reasoning is an essential subject in various government exams, including SSC, Bank, Railway, and UPSC. It is a section designed to test the candidate's logical reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities. The subject comprises various topics such as verbal and non-verbal reasoning, logical reasoning, analytical reasoning, and critical thinking. Here are some reasons why General Intelligence and Reasoning is an important subject in government exams:

Importance of General Intelligence and Reasoning in government exams

  1. Testing of Logical Reasoning: General Intelligence and Reasoning section tests the candidate's logical reasoning skills, which are critical for problem-solving and decision-making. Candidates are required to analyze complex problems and come up with a logical solution using their reasoning abilities.
  2. Enhancing Cognitive Skills: The subject of General Intelligence and Reasoning helps in enhancing cognitive skills such as perception, attention, memory, and thinking. Candidates are required to use their cognitive skills to analyze and solve problems, which helps in improving their overall cognitive abilities.
  3. Improving Decision-Making Abilities: The section of General Intelligence and Reasoning helps in improving decision-making abilities by exposing candidates to various situations and scenarios. Candidates are tested on their ability to analyze situations and make informed decisions based on their reasoning abilities.
  4. Testing of Analytical Abilities: The section of General Intelligence and Reasoning also tests the candidate's analytical abilities, which are essential for data analysis and interpretation. Candidates are required to interpret data and solve problems based on their analytical abilities.
  5. Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills: The section of General Intelligence and Reasoning helps in enhancing problem-solving skills. Candidates are required to analyze complex problems and come up with a logical solution using their problem-solving skills.

In conclusion, General Intelligence and Reasoning is an essential subject in government exams like SSC, Bank, Railway, and UPSC. It tests the candidate's logical reasoning, problem-solving, decision-making, cognitive, and analytical abilities. Candidates must prepare thoroughly for this subject to increase their chances of selection for the job.

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Q. Given below is a statement followed by two courses of actions. Assuming everything in the statement to be true, irrespective of the commonly known facts, decide which of the two suggested course(s) of action logically follow for pursuing?

Statement: There is a shortage of water in Delhi during summers.

Course of action 1: There should be more water conservation projects initiated by the government of Delhi.
Course of action 2: The government should encourage rain water harvesting in all new and existing residential complexes.

  • (A). Both Course of action 1 and Course of action 2 follow
  • (B). Only Course of action 1 follow
  • (C). Only Course of action 2 follow
  • (D). Neither Course of action 1 nor Course of action 2 follow
Option (A) is Correct

Statement: There is a shortage of water in Delhi during summers.

Course of action 1: There should be more water conservation projects initiated by the government of Delhi. (It follows as its relevant Course of action to overcome shortage of water in Delhi during summers.)

Course of action 2: The government should encourage rain water harvesting in all new and existing residential complexes. (It also follows as its relevant Course of action to overcome shortage of water in Delhi during summers.)

Posted on: Mar 2023

Q. Identify the option figure that when placed in the blank space completes the pattern in the given question figure.

  • (A). 1006450734164742
  • (B). 55759205716474
  • (C). 9030403831647425
  • (D). 199976722616474254
Option (B) is Correct

Posted on: Mar 2023

Q. 1875 rupees are divided into A, B and C in such a way that A’s share is half of the combined share of B and C and B’s share is one-fourth of the combined share of A and C. How much is C’s share more than A’s share?

  • (A). 200
  • (B). 250
  • (C). 225
  • (D). 500
Option (B) is Correct

Posted on: Mar 2023

Q. To correct the equation given below, which two symbols, should be mutated?
18 + 6 – 6 ÷ 3 × 3 = 6

  • (A). + and ÷
  • (B). + and ×
  • (C). – and ÷
  • (D). + and –
Option (A) is Correct

According to the question, If we interchange the + and ÷ sign the above equation become correct.
18 ÷ 6 – 6 + 3 × 3 (applying BODMAS)
=3 – 6 + 9 => 12 – 6 => 6

Posted on: Mar 2023

Direction: Study the following information to answer the given questions.

Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row-1 A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of them are facing south. In row-2 P, Q, R, S, T and V are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row.

V sits third to the right of S. S faces F and F does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. D sits third to the right of C. R faces C. The one who is facing E sits third to the right of P. B and P do not sit at the extreme ends of the line. T is not an immediate neighbour of V and A is not an immediate neighbour of C. R does not sit at the extreme end.


Q. Who amongst the following represent the people sitting at the extreme ends of the rows?

  • (A). R, F
  • (B). T, A
  • (C). D, R
  • (D). C, Q
Option (B) is Correct



Q. Three of the following four are alike in a certain way and thus form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?

  • (A). A-Q
  • (B). C-S
  • (C). F-P
  • (D). D-R
Option (D) is Correct



Q. How many persons are seated between R and T?

  • (A). 1
  • (B). 2
  • (C). 3
  • (D). 4
Option (B) is Correct



Q. Who amongst the following faces Q?

  • (A). D
  • (B). B
  • (C). E
  • (D). A
Option (C) is Correct



Q. Which of the following is true regarding B?

  • (A). B sits to the immediate left of C
  • (B). B faces Q
  • (C). B sits fourth from the extreme left end of the line
  • (D). D and F are immediate neighbours of B
Option (D) is Correct


Posted on: Mar 2023
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