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Q. Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as the numbers are related in the set below.
(10, 18, 38)

  • (A). (4, 12, 22)
  • (B). (14, 12, 8)
  • (C). (12, 22, 46)
  • (D). (18, 6, 14)
Option (C) is Correct

10 × 2 – 2= 20 – 2 = 18
18 × 2 + 2= 36 +2 =38

Similarly, the option(c) is related to above number set in this manner.
12 × 2 – 2 = 24 – 2 =22
22 × 2 + 2 = 44 + 2 =46


Q. The way, in which the verb ‘deed’ is related to ‘reaction’, ……………………. is related to ‘inciting’.

  • (A). Foresight
  • (B). Feedback
  • (C). Response
  • (D). Welcome
Option (C) is Correct

Deed – reaction
Response – inciting


Q. Select the option that is related to the third letter group in the same way as the second letter group is related to the first letter group.
BECD : YVXW : : DGEF : ?

  • (A). WUTV
  • (B). WTVU
  • (C). VRTS
  • (D). XUWV
Option (B) is Correct

The first and second set of letters are the pairs of the opposite letter.


Q. From the given options, select the word pair whose two words are related to each other in the same way as the words of the word pair below are related.
Heat: Sun

  • (A). House: Terrace
  • (B). Vitamin: Fruit
  • (C). Environment: Humidity
  • (D). Ride: car
Option (B) is Correct

Sun is the source of heat.
Likewise, fruit is the source of vitamin.


Q. If BACK is coded as 11312 and CAKE as 51113. So how will MADE be coded?

  • (A). 13145
  • (B). 54113
  • (C). 51413
  • (D). 31145
Option (B) is Correct

The code is given after reversing the letter of the word.
The reverse order of back is kcab
Place value of k – 11
Place value of c – 3
Place value of a – 1
Place value of b- 2
Kcab- 11312
Similarly, the reverse order of MADE is EDAM and it will be coded as 54113

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