General Intelligence & Reasoning

Free Bilingual questions and answers of General Intelligence and Reasoning

General Intelligence and Reasoning is an essential subject in various government exams, including SSC, Bank, Railway, and UPSC. It is a section designed to test the candidate's logical reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities. The subject comprises various topics such as verbal and non-verbal reasoning, logical reasoning, analytical reasoning, and critical thinking. Here are some reasons why General Intelligence and Reasoning is an important subject in government exams:

Importance of General Intelligence and Reasoning in government exams

  1. Testing of Logical Reasoning: General Intelligence and Reasoning section tests the candidate's logical reasoning skills, which are critical for problem-solving and decision-making. Candidates are required to analyze complex problems and come up with a logical solution using their reasoning abilities.
  2. Enhancing Cognitive Skills: The subject of General Intelligence and Reasoning helps in enhancing cognitive skills such as perception, attention, memory, and thinking. Candidates are required to use their cognitive skills to analyze and solve problems, which helps in improving their overall cognitive abilities.
  3. Improving Decision-Making Abilities: The section of General Intelligence and Reasoning helps in improving decision-making abilities by exposing candidates to various situations and scenarios. Candidates are tested on their ability to analyze situations and make informed decisions based on their reasoning abilities.
  4. Testing of Analytical Abilities: The section of General Intelligence and Reasoning also tests the candidate's analytical abilities, which are essential for data analysis and interpretation. Candidates are required to interpret data and solve problems based on their analytical abilities.
  5. Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills: The section of General Intelligence and Reasoning helps in enhancing problem-solving skills. Candidates are required to analyze complex problems and come up with a logical solution using their problem-solving skills.

In conclusion, General Intelligence and Reasoning is an essential subject in government exams like SSC, Bank, Railway, and UPSC. It tests the candidate's logical reasoning, problem-solving, decision-making, cognitive, and analytical abilities. Candidates must prepare thoroughly for this subject to increase their chances of selection for the job.

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Q. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word ‘DISPENSE’ each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet (both forward and backward)?

  • (A). None
  • (B). One
  • (C). Two
  • (D). Three
Option (C) is Correct


PN -> (NP from position 14 (N) to position 16 (P)

PS -> (PS from position 16 (P) to position 19 (S)

Posted on: Mar 2023

Direction: Study the following data carefully and answer the question accordingly.


Q. If all the letters in each word are arranged alphabetically (within the word), then how many letters are there (in alphabetical series) between the last letters of the last two words?

  • (A). 2
  • (B). 1
  • (C). 3
  • (D). 4
  • (E). none
Option (B) is Correct


After rearrangement – BKOO LOSW APRT DOPR

Hence, the required answer is ‘one’.

Posted on: Mar 2023

Q. Pummy is the daughter of Priya who is Shipra’s sister-in-law. There are only two married women in the family. Ketan is Pratina’s son and Shipra is his sister. How is Pummy related to Ketan?

  • (A). Daughter
  • (B). Niece
  • (C). Sister
  • (D). Father
Option (A) is Correct

Pummy is Ketan’s daughter.

Posted on: Mar 2023

Q. ROHIT is brother of son of ANKIT‘s son. How is ROHIT related to the ANKIT.

  • (A). Son
  • (B). Father
  • (C). Grandson
  • (D). Uncle
Option (C) is Correct

Brother of son is also son so ROHIT is son of ANKIT‘s son. ROHIT is ANKIT’s grandson.

Posted on: Mar 2023

Q. In a dinner party, a certain number of people sit in a row and facing towards North direction, Murari is 29th from the left corner and Shani is 32nd from the right corner. If only Guddu sits between them. Then, what could be the minimum number of people in the party?

  • (A). 62
  • (B). 37
  • (C). 48
  • (D). 58
Option (D) is Correct

Murari is 29th from the left corner
Shani is 32nd from the right corner.
If only Guddu sits between them.
Murari (29th from left corner) Shani (32nd from right corner)
Murari is to the right of Shani and Guddu sits exactly between them.
Shani’s position = 32nd from the right corner
No. People to the left of Murari = 28
The minimum number of people = 32 + 28 – 2(Guddu & Shani) = 58

Posted on: Mar 2023
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