Boats and Streams
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Q. A man can row at a speed of 15/2 km/hr in still water. If he takes 4 times as long to row a distance upstream as to row the same distance downstream, then the speed of stream (in km/hr) is

  • (A). 4
  • (B). 3.5
  • (C). 4.5
  • (D). 5
Option (C) is Correct

Let the speed of stream be x kmph
∴ Rate upstream = $$15/2-x$$
And rate downstream = $$15/2+x$$
Let’s also assume the time taken in downstream and upstream is 1 hr and 4 hrs respectively.
We know that, Distance = Speed × Time
$$therefore (15/2+x)xx1 = (15/2-x)xx4$$
$$therefore x=9/2=4.5kmph$$