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Direction: The table shows the production (in thousands) of different types of cars.


Q. The total production of B type cars in the year 2012, 2014, and 2015 has been approximately what percentage more than the total production of A type cars in the year 2013 and 2016?

  • (A). 34.4
  • (B). 33.2
  • (C). 31.9
  • (D). 36.3
Option (C) is Correct

Production of B type car in 2012, 2014 and 2015 together 42+40+38=120 (in thousands)
Production of A type car in 2013 and 2016
=35+56=91 (in thousands)
Required % = $$(120-91)/91xx100 = 31.86~~31.9%$$


Q. If the data related to the production of E type cars is represented by pie-chart, then the data representing the production of cars in 2013 will be the central angle of the radius (sector):

  • (A). $$102^o$$
  • (B). $$84^o$$
  • (C). $$70^o$$
  • (D). $$80^o$$
Option (B) is Correct

Total production of E type cars throughout the given years = 20+42+40+35+43 = 180 (in thousands)
Required angle

Posted on: Mar 2023