Question discussion

Direction: Read the following information carefully to give the answers to the given questions.

A word number sorting machine when given an input of word and numbers rearranges them in a particular manner step by step as indicated below till all the words and numbers are arranged.
Given below is an illustration of this arrangement.

Input: 33 queue 51 73 orange world 37 purple initiative 53
Step I: world 33 queue 51 73 orange 37 purple initiative 53
Step II: world 37 33 queue 51 73 orange purple initiative 53
Step III: world 37 purple 33 queue 51 73 orange initiative 53
Step IV: world 37 purple 53 33 queue 51 73 orange initiative
Step V: world 37 purple 53 orange 33 queue 51 73 initiative
Step VI: world 37 purple 53 orange 73 33 queue 51 initiative
Step VII: world 37 purple 53 orange 73 queue 33 51 initiative
Step VIII: world 37 purple 53 orange 73 queue 51 33 initiative
Step IX: world 37 purple 53 orange 73 queue 51 initiative 33

And step IX is the last step of the above input. As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out the appropriate step for the given input.

Input: 35 automobile 21 23 wolf 41 dictionary 17 heart beautiful 27 about


Q. Which of the following is the ninth element from the right end of the step V?

  • (A). heart
  • (B). 23
  • (C). automobile
  • (D). dictionary
Option (B) is Correct

The machine rearranges the words and the numbers in alternate step from left to right.
First, it arranges words – according to the number of vowels in the word in ascending order.
In the next step, it arranges numbers (prime numbers first then composite numbers).
The words are arranged according to the numbers of vowels in the word in ascending order, while the prime numbers are arranged in ascending order first and then the composite numbers are arranged in descending order.
Input: 35 automobile 21 23 wolf 41 dictionary 17 heart beautiful 27 about
Step I: wolf 35 automobile 21 23 41 dictionary 17 heart beautiful 27 about
Step II: wolf 17 35 automobile 21 23 41 dictionary heart beautiful 27 about
Step III: wolf 17 heart 35 automobile 21 23 41 dictionary beautiful 27 about
Step IV: wolf 17 heart 23 35 automobile 21 41 dictionary beautiful 27 about
Step V: wolf 17 heart 23 about 35 automobile 21 41 dictionary beautiful 27
Step VI: wolf 17 heart 23 about 41 35 automobile 21 dictionary beautiful 27
Step VII: wolf 17 heart 23 about 41 dictionary 35 automobile 21 beautiful 27
Step VIII: wolf 17 heart 23 about 41 dictionary 35 beautiful automobile 21 27
Step IX: wolf 17 heart 23 about 41 dictionary 35 beautiful 27 automobile 21
Clearly, the 9th element from the right end in step V = 23


Q. How many words are there between ‘41’ and ‘27’ in step IV?

  • (A). 3
  • (B). 1
  • (C). 2
  • (D). none
Option (C) is Correct

The machine rearranges the words and the numbers in alternate step from left to right.
The words are arranged according to the numbers of vowels in the word in ascending order, while the prime numbers are arranged in ascending order first and then the composite numbers are arranged in descending order.
Input: 35 automobile 21 23 wolf 41 dictionary 17 heart beautiful 27 about
Step I: wolf 35 automobile 21 23 41 dictionary 17 heart beautiful 27 about
Step II: wolf 17 35 automobile 21 23 41 dictionary heart beautiful 27 about
Step III: wolf 17 heart 35 automobile 21 23 41 dictionary beautiful 27 about
Step IV: wolf 17 heart 23 35 automobile 21 41 dictionary beautiful 27 about
Step V: wolf 17 heart 23 about 35 automobile 21 41 dictionary beautiful 27
Step VI: wolf 17 heart 23 about 41 35 automobile 21 dictionary beautiful 27
Step VII: wolf 17 heart 23 about 41 dictionary 35 automobile 21 beautiful 27
Step VIII: wolf 17 heart 23 about 41 dictionary 35 beautiful automobile 21 27
Step IX: wolf 17 heart 23 about 41 dictionary 35 beautiful 27 automobile 21
Clearly, there are two words between 41 and 27 in step IV.


Q. How many steps will be required to complete the given input?

  • (A). 8
  • (B). 7
  • (C). 9
  • (D). 6
Option (C) is Correct

The machine rearranges the words and the numbers in alternate step from left to right.
The words are arranged according to the numbers of vowels in the word in ascending order, while the prime numbers are arranged in ascending order first and then the composite numbers are arranged in descending order.
Input: 35 automobile 21 23 wolf 41 dictionary 17 heart beautiful 27 about
Step I: wolf 35 automobile 21 23 41 dictionary 17 heart beautiful 27 about
Step II: wolf 17 35 automobile 21 23 41 dictionary heart beautiful 27 about
Step III: wolf 17 heart 35 automobile 21 23 41 dictionary beautiful 27 about
Step IV: wolf 17 heart 23 35 automobile 21 41 dictionary beautiful 27 about
Step V: wolf 17 heart 23 about 35 automobile 21 41 dictionary beautiful 27
Step VI: wolf 17 heart 23 about 41 35 automobile 21 dictionary beautiful 27
Step VII: wolf 17 heart 23 about 41 dictionary 35 automobile 21 beautiful 27
Step VIII: wolf 17 heart 23 about 41 dictionary 35 beautiful automobile 21 27
Step IX: wolf 17 heart 23 about 41 dictionary 35 beautiful 27 automobile 21
Clearly, nine steps are required.


Q. Which of the following comes between ‘about’ and ‘27’ in the last step?

  • (A). 35, beautiful, 27
  • (B). 41, dictionary, 35, beautiful
  • (C). automobile, beautiful, 41
  • (D). dictionary, 35
Option (B) is Correct

The machine rearranges the words and the numbers in alternate step from left to right.
The words are arranged according to the numbers of vowels in the word in ascending order, while the prime numbers are arranged in ascending order first and then the composite numbers are arranged in descending order.
Input: 35 automobile 21 23 wolf 41 dictionary 17 heart beautiful 27 about
Step I: wolf 35 automobile 21 23 41 dictionary 17 heart beautiful 27 about
Step II: wolf 17 35 automobile 21 23 41 dictionary heart beautiful 27 about
Step III: wolf 17 heart 35 automobile 21 23 41 dictionary beautiful 27 about
Step IV: wolf 17 heart 23 35 automobile 21 41 dictionary beautiful 27 about
Step V: wolf 17 heart 23 about 35 automobile 21 41 dictionary beautiful 27
Step VI: wolf 17 heart 23 about 41 35 automobile 21 dictionary beautiful 27
Step VII: wolf 17 heart 23 about 41 dictionary 35 automobile 21 beautiful 27
Step VIII: wolf 17 heart 23 about 41 dictionary 35 beautiful automobile 21 27
Step IX: wolf 17 heart 23 about 41 dictionary 35 beautiful 27 automobile 21
Clearly, ‘41 dictionary 35 beautiful ‘ comes between ‘about’ and ‘27’ in step IX.


Q. Which of the following is second to the left of ‘dictionary’ in step VI?

  • (A). beautiful
  • (B). 41
  • (C). about
  • (D). automobile
Option (D) is Correct

The machine rearranges the words and the numbers in alternate step from left to right.
The words are arranged according to the numbers of vowels in the word in ascending order, while the prime numbers are arranged in ascending order first and then the composite numbers are arranged in descending order.
Input: 35 automobile 21 23 wolf 41 dictionary 17 heart beautiful 27 about
Step I: wolf 35 automobile 21 23 41 dictionary 17 heart beautiful 27 about
Step II: wolf 17 35 automobile 21 23 41 dictionary heart beautiful 27 about
Step III: wolf 17 heart 35 automobile 21 23 41 dictionary beautiful 27 about
Step IV: wolf 17 heart 23 35 automobile 21 41 dictionary beautiful 27 about
Step V: wolf 17 heart 23 about 35 automobile 21 41 dictionary beautiful 27
Step VI: wolf 17 heart 23 about 41 35 automobile 21 dictionary beautiful 27
Step VII: wolf 17 heart 23 about 41 dictionary 35 automobile 21 beautiful 27
Step VIII: wolf 17 heart 23 about 41 dictionary 35 beautiful automobile 21 27
Step IX: wolf 17 heart 23 about 41 dictionary 35 beautiful 27 automobile 21
Clearly, ‘automobile’ is second to the left of ‘dictionary’.

Posted on: Mar 2023

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