Question discussion


Q. In a dinner party, a certain number of people sit in a row and facing towards North direction, Murari is 29th from the left corner and Shani is 32nd from the right corner. If only Guddu sits between them. Then, what could be the minimum number of people in the party?

  • (A). 62
  • (B). 37
  • (C). 48
  • (D). 58
Option (D) is Correct

Murari is 29th from the left corner
Shani is 32nd from the right corner.
If only Guddu sits between them.
Murari (29th from left corner) Shani (32nd from right corner)
Murari is to the right of Shani and Guddu sits exactly between them.
Shani’s position = 32nd from the right corner
No. People to the left of Murari = 28
The minimum number of people = 32 + 28 – 2(Guddu & Shani) = 58

Posted on: Mar 2023

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