Question discussion


Q. The average of twelve numbers is 42. The last five numbers have an average of 40 and the first four numbers have an average of 44. The sixth number is 6 less than the fifth number and 5 less than the seventh number. What will be the average of the 5th and 7th numbers?

  • (A). 44
  • (B). 44.5
  • (C). 43
  • (D). 43.5
Option (B) is Correct

Sum of twelve number = $$12 xx 42 = 504$$
Sum of last five numbers = $$5 xx 40 = 200$$
Sum of first four numbers = $$4 xx 44 = 176$$
Sum of 5th, 6th and 7th numbers
$$= 504 – (200 + 176)$$
$$= 504 – 376$$
$$= 128$$
Let 5th, 6th and 7th numbers are $$(x+6), x$$ and $$(x+5)$$. then,
$$x+6+x+x+5 = 128$$
$$3x = 128-11$$
$$x = 117/3 = 39$$
Average of 5th and 7th number
$$= (x+6+x+5)/2$$
$$= (39+39+11)/2$$
= 44.5

Posted on: Mar 2023

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