Question discussion


Q. Given below is a statement followed by two courses of actions. Assuming everything in the statement to be true, irrespective of the commonly known facts, decide which of the two suggested course(s) of action logically follow for pursuing?

Statement: There is a shortage of water in Delhi during summers.

Course of action 1: There should be more water conservation projects initiated by the government of Delhi.
Course of action 2: The government should encourage rain water harvesting in all new and existing residential complexes.

  • (A). Both Course of action 1 and Course of action 2 follow
  • (B). Only Course of action 1 follow
  • (C). Only Course of action 2 follow
  • (D). Neither Course of action 1 nor Course of action 2 follow
Option (A) is Correct

Statement: There is a shortage of water in Delhi during summers.

Course of action 1: There should be more water conservation projects initiated by the government of Delhi. (It follows as its relevant Course of action to overcome shortage of water in Delhi during summers.)

Course of action 2: The government should encourage rain water harvesting in all new and existing residential complexes. (It also follows as its relevant Course of action to overcome shortage of water in Delhi during summers.)

Posted on: Mar 2023

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