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Q. Two-fifth of one-third of three-seventh of a number is 15. What is 40% of that number?

  • (A). 501
  • (B). 105
  • (C). 525
  • (D). 150
Option (B) is Correct


Q. The population of of a town is 176000.If it increase at the rate of 5% per annum, what will be it’s population 2 years hence?

  • (A). 194000
  • (B). 194040
  • (C). 190440
  • (D). 194104
Option (B) is Correct


Q. If 120 is reduced by $$x%$$, the same result will be obtained if 40 is increased by $$x%$$. Then $$x%$$ of 210 will be what percentage less than $$(x + 20)% of 180$$?

  • (A). 18
  • (B). $$16 2/3$$
  • (C). 20
  • (D). $$33 1/3$$
Option (B) is Correct

$$x% of 210 = 210xx50/100=105$$
$$(x+20)% of 180 = 180xx70/100=126$$
Required percentage = $$(126-105)/126 xx 100 = 16 2/3%$$